Day 25 – April 12, 2022

9:00 pm: It’s popcorn and movie night! We are winding down and will be ready for bed soon. Harvey’s nurse this evening is Rui, who skillfully and carefully shaved heads in this very room last evening. Truth be told, he was an actual hair stylist in his past life. The saying around here is “Rui does it all!” We can certainly attest to this. Thank you so much, Rui, for the excellent care and the stylish new dos! ❤️

Harvey & nurse Rui posing for a quick picture.
Popcorn & a pose.

5:00 pm: We’re in the final hours of living in this hospital room. It’s hard to be too excited knowing that we’ll be back here again in the future. But for now, I await Harvey’s look of excited freedom when we walk out of here tomorrow. I honestly don’t know how we’re going to get him back inside this building again. He’s going to fight it with every ounce of his being. I can’t blame him – I would, too! Once he’s back home tomorrow, Lindsey & I are going to need a game plan devised to get him back here on Friday morning for his next operation. I’m absolutely dreading it. And we know he will be, too.

Yesterday, Harvey received his Warrior Wagon that we’ll use to cart him into future clinic appointments. What a great program for families! I’m hoping this will make our next appointments more bearable for Harv. Thank you so much, Warrior Wagons!

Harvey sitting happily in his new Warrior Wagon.

I was an absolute mess creating and sharing the videos of Harvey’s and Lindsey’s transformation via a hair clipper. As a parent of a child with leukemia, you know this moment is coming from day 1. It’s perhaps the best known rite of passage for anyone fighting cancer. I’m so thankful that Harvey, Lindsey, and especially Hattie, recognized the humor and joy in it all that wasn’t so obvious for me. Retrospectively, the flood of emotions I experienced wasn’t from the buzz cuts. It was in the realization that Harvey shared something so special with his mom in that moment. I witnessed the inception of a mother-son bond comparable to when they met for the very first time on October 30, 2017. From the moment of Harvey’s diagnosis, I fully anticipated joining the ranks of the shaved. But by design, this wasn’t my part to play. It was instead an amazing gift to witness as it played out beautifully.

Harvey & mom rockin’ their new dos!

The walls of this hospital room have witnessed the entire spectrum of our emotions. The highs and lows of a boy with cancer. His family, willing to give anything, do anything, to make it go away. To this room, our story is just another iteration of cancer diagnosis and treatment. But for the walls that await us in our own home, everything will be new, changed, unfamiliar. I hope for the strength to persevere in the areas that matter most for our family in the next years. Attention given where it is needed to each of our kids. Patience for our patient. The means for self care and respite. The ability to find new ways of bringing joy and experiences to our world that’s (again) being segregated from the rest of world. I shudder at the thought of comparing what’s ahead of us to COVID-19 lock-downs. We’ve seen some very great ideas from creative individuals during our stay here at Children’s Minnesota Hospital. They’ve made our stay bearable, even fun at times. Shout-out to Onyx the dog!

Harvey with Onyx.

10:45 am: Another quick update as I find a moment between everything in motion today. Most importantly, there are no new updates with Harvey’s health this morning. I’m helping prepare our home for Harvey’s anticipated arrival back home tomorrow (Cindy Bisbey is actually doing most of the work – Thank you so much, Cindy!). I want to share another video near and dear to my heart. I call this one “Hattie reacts to shaved heads!” I was laugh-crying behind the camera recording her reaction. It was so genuine.

1:45 am: These words are technically being posted on the early morning of day 25, but our day 24 was just so busy that I’m only getting caught up now. In lieu of all the things I want to tell you, I’ll let this video tell the main story of how our Monday ended. Love you Harvey & Lindsey! Goodnight. ❤️


  1. So I am sitting in my office with tears rolling down my face. I love you guys. Harvey you are a hero and my inspiration. I am so proud of you guys. Lindsey, you are awesome!

    1. You two are So BEAUTIFUL 😍,
      We ❤️ love you both more than you can imagine and I think Papa will need a summer haircut as well, can’t wait to see you ALL!!!!

  2. So touching to watch mother and son share in this moment. Your family is truly an inspiration. . Grandma Goldade

  3. Way to go Lindsey and Harvey! Love to you both! Love your new wash and go looks! Hugs to you both! Lindsey, I have never been more proud to call you my friend! You totally ROCK!

  4. Gabriel looks forward to Harvey’s video , he ask me every day do Harvey have a video. I sowed him this one and he ask me what happened to his hair? I explained to him what happened. Now he wants his cut also. When you guys get settle in and on a routine I would like for Gabriel and Harvey to face time. At you guys discretion of course.
    Gabriel Mom

  5. Dear Harvey,

    I am so HAPPY that you are finally home! The video of you and your mom getting your heads shaved was so moving! I laughed, I cried, and laughed some more because you did that Harvey G. Style–with BIG smiles!! I hope you sleep like a bald-headed baby tonight in your new room!

    Today, we learned that Africa has the largest savannah in the world. Savannahs have a wet season and a dry season, but it is warm/hot and tropical all year round. It rains a lot during the wet season, and the rain helps the grass grow so the multitude of grazing animals have something to eat. Can you think of any African animals that eat grass on the savannahs? I’ll give you a hint: People can see these animals in zoos or while on an African safari. Zebra, giraffe, elephants, and gazelle are herbivores (plant eaters), and guess which carnivores (meat eaters) hide in the tall grass to hunt for those herbivores? I’ll give you a hint: They are large cats–distant cousins to my house cats Scotcheroo & Blue Bayou.

    I put 4 African rocks (Tiger’s Eye, Prehnite, Jasper, & Indigo Gabbro) in the science observation tray. It’s like holding a little piece of Africa in your hand. I wonder how Tiger’s Eye got it’s name because tigers do not live in Africa, but several other large cats do. Can you name any?

    We are learning a new song that is similar to Going on a Bear Hunt, but it’s called Going on a Lion Hunt because there aren’t any bears in Africa! They used to have bears, but they went extinct.

    Joke of the Day
    Q: What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?
    A: Time to fix the fence!

    I miss working with you, Harvey G.! You love, love, LOVE to learn!!

    Ms. Rhonda


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