Day 38 – April 25, 2022
6:30 pm: Today was supposed to be Harvey’s first official day of the consolidation phase of treatment. For some reason, our scheduled procedure for this morning was canceled over the weekend. We instead met with physical therapy to focus on regaining strength lost from the first rounds of treatment (induction). We then reviewed latest blood results with Dr. Miller. Harvey’s ANC level is now up to 1.230, well over the minimum of 0.750 required to begin his next round of treatments. His procedure is now scheduled for tomorrow morning at 7:30 am to kick off the consolidation phase of treatment. Although we’re disappointed to not have started today, we’re glad Harvey got in an extra day of feeling well before he likely starts to feel not so well again. It’s been nice seeing him settle back into a routine of having an appetite and not vomiting. We’re going to miss it!

We had a nice, uneventful weekend full of walks outside (75° Saturday!), games inside, and restful (as possible) nights. Hattie & Henry started tee-ball on Sunday and attended their first practice to help them learn how to play. To clarify: Henry wasn’t interested in tee-ball at all and Hattie loved it, insisting that, in fact, she’s so good she needs to help teach the other kids at practice! Their first game is coming up next weekend on May 1st. We’ll then see how well Hattie taught everyone to play. 😂 Henry lost another baby tooth on Sunday (thankfully no correlation to tee-ball practice!). It would be remiss of me not to mention that we also had a short-lived funnel cloud just a mile west of our home on Saturday. The weather conditions were right for their formation, but not conducive for sustaining severe weather, thankfully. The kids enjoyed the rainbow after the storm much more than any of the other “boring” clouds. To each their own, I suppose!
Thank you so much for checking up on us! During our quieter times, I’ll post updates every few days. If it’s been a day or two since the last update – that’s a very good thing and all is well with us! When we get new health information or when anything important is happening, I’ll keep updates coming frequently.

So happy the twins are playing ball , hope to see them play this summer. Great to see Harvey enjoying a nice day outdoors. Henry looks like he could be a hockey 🏒 player like his or and Uncle Brock.
If any of the kids end up running the scoreboard, they’ve inherited their dad’s athletic abilities! 😉
Like his 👩 MOM the hockey player, oops