Day 236 – November 9, 2022
8:50 pm: I intended to post an update nearly a week ago. We’ve had quite a busy beginning to November. First: Thank you so much to all our family and friends that helped make Harvey’s 5th birthday an amazing experience for him! He had a memorable Minecraft-themed birthday party at home with so many presents, his favorite foods, a piñata full of candy, games, and a creeper cake (it’s a Minecraft thing…). The Minecraft theme then carried over into Halloween as Harv dressed up as Steve, a character from Minecraft. Together he and his sister, Snow White (Hattie), conquered the neighborhood and collected numerous bags full of candy. Although he didn’t have as much energy and we altered our plans a bit to keep him distanced from others, it’s safe to say Harvey thoroughly enjoyed his birthday and Halloween festivities! We are so blessed and lucky to have such caring, selfless family and friends – none of this would’ve been possible without you. We’ll never stop thanking you for helping us navigate this journey.

Harvey continues to be our warrior through rounds of procedures, chemotherapy, and rylaze shots in this delayed intensification stage of treatment. He remains low energy with a greatly diminished appetite. He’s been severely immunocompromised the past 2 weeks and we’ve been ultra vigilant. His immune system is just beginning to rebound slightly as of Monday. We’re thrilled that he’s remained healthy and at home thus far. (This stage is typically when infections and/or illnesses can lead to serious complications.) He just finished taking an oral chemotherapy for 2 weeks that tends to be hard on his liver. His labs have shown no indications of liver injury. So much to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving!

Speaking of thankful: Back in late January, Lindsey decided it was time to take Harvey on a surprise trip to Florida to go to the beach and Disney World. I’m so glad she did – what an amazing experience for him before his diagnosis in March! We promised Hattie that she, too, would get her own special trip one day. …and that day came last week! Hattie and Lindsey, along with our family friends, Cindy and Neil, embarked on a surprise trip to Florida. Hattie has had an amazing time! She had her first airplane ride, first visit to the ocean, and first time at Disney World all this past week. Tonight, unfortunately, brings another first: Her first hurricane. (Lindsey’s first, too!) I’ve been utilizing my meteorology “skills” over the past few days and have advised them to stay, if they’re comfortable, since this storm will be a weak category 1. They have their phones charged, plenty of water and snacks, and will be sleeping away from the windows tonight as the hurricane’s northern eye wall (the strongest part of the storm) looks to hit them directly. I have no doubt that Hattie will talk about this trip for the rest of her life! It’s been so wonderful to let her have her own time on her own trip. She’s been such an amazing big sister to Harvey through his fight (and she’s unintentionally lost a lot of the attention she once had from us!).

That’s a quick summary of the past week and a half. If Harvey continues doing well through this stage of treatment, he may begin the next stage (interim maintenance 2) before Thanksgiving. Progress & health! We couldn’t ask for more. We send our thanks, love, and appreciation for everything you’ve done for us!

So good to hear our guy is hanging in there! What a little warrior he is and prayers are still ongoing my love to you all!
I’m so happy to hear this update, I can’t wait to show Gabriel that him and Harvey was both mine craft he is going to love it. Keeping the prayers coming.
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys! What a joy to watch the video of Harvey! I love the picture of Harvey inside the pumpkin. 😊 Happy belated Birthday to you Harvey! 🎉 God bless you guys on this Thanksgiving. 💕