Day 258 – December 1, 2022

10:20 pm: Our family is back under one roof! Hattie, Henry, and Lindsey returned back home on Sunday morning after Hattie finished fighting off the flu. Everyone is happy to be home and healthy! Harvey’s immune system has been slowly recovering this past week. On Wednesday, his home health care nurse came by to collect a blood sample. His ANC is now up to 851. It’s still fairly low, but high enough to begin the next stage of cancer treatment: Interim maintenance 2. Tomorrow (Friday) at 7:30 am, he’ll begin this next stage with an intrathecal methotrexate procedure, 2 shots of rylaze in his legs, and IV doses of both vincristine and methotrexate. Ugh! We anticipate he’ll be feeling pretty tough again by this time tomorrow. His care team also recommended that he receive an IVIg (Intravenous Immunoglobulin) treatment tomorrow which will help strengthen his ability to fight off infection and sickness that is spreading like wildfire in the community. He hasn’t received this treatment before, so we’re hoping for none of the side effects and all the benefits it has to offer. We’re so thankful that he was able to have some down time between treatment stages these past 2 weeks even though it was due to having no immune system. 

It’s full speed ahead into another tough treatment round for our fighter. It’s somewhat comforting to know that he’ll soon be past these most difficult stages of treatment in early 2023. Harv still has 2-3 years of chemo ahead of him, but it will hopefully be more tolerable thanks to less frequent trips to the clinic and not as harsh of treatments (relative to what he’s already been through). Thank you so much for checking in on our little man! We’re home, we’re healthy, and we’re moving forward.

Reunited! Hattie & Harvey enjoying a fresh 8″ of snow together.


  1. Glad to hear you’re all under one roof and Harvey able to have some fun in the snow. Continued prayers to you, especially Harvey. He’s been through so much already and is such a trooper. Stay strong! Hugs and prayers!❤️


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