Day 98 – June 24, 2022
9:30 pm: We’re home! I’m practically running around singing it! 🙂 Harvey’s lab results showed his white blood cell count and ANC (immune system) have both dropped, likely due to chemotherapy. However, everything else looks good. At least good enough to go home! Our boy had a very long day and is just catching up on the lunch and dinner he missed. We’re happy, grateful, and exhausted. Goodnight!
6:45 pm: We’re still hanging out in the emergency room awaiting results of his blood draw. He remains a bit febrile and nauseous (threw up a half hour ago). Hoping these were all just temporary side-effects of the rylaze he received around 12 pm today. *Fingers crossed*
5:45 pm: Harvey’s port is accessed, labs are drawn, and he’s receiving an antibiotic as we await results.
4:40 pm: Harvey has arrived at the emergency room with a fever after receiving 2 shots of rylaze this morning, one in each leg. We don’t know if he’s having a reaction to the medication, has an infection, or something else. We arrived prepared to be admitted to the hospital. More updates to come.